Sunday, May 17, 2020

Is Globalization Destroying Our Society - 1402 Words

Is globalization destroying our society? Nowadays people have different opinions about globalization. It relies on different points of view on consequences of globalization process. Some of the people consider it as a serious threat to world’s economy, but some of them see it as an economical progress. â€Å"Globalization is partly a result of the tremendous advances in information technology that have, in effect, shrunk the world and linked distant parts of the Earth, creating global relationships.†-Akin L. Mabogunje, â€Å"Poverty and Environmental Degradation†. However, Even though globalization leads all parts of the world to be connected and creates global relationships, it also can cause unemployment, cultural diversity and spreading of deadly diseases. First of all, technological revolution and migration of cheaper workers causes the situation when people become unable to find a job. But despite this fact, the country that has an opportunity to build the business in another country gets some benefits by making the demand of cheaper labor and cheaper products. Secondly, cultural diversity makes more people to be worry about losing their cultural background because of the Western trend’s leading. However, cultural values also need to be refilled from time to time, and spreading and borrowing ideas from other cultures provides this opportunity. Thirdly, the horrible fact that people face all around the world is spreading of deadly diseases. Moreover, only people’sShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Globalization On Citizenship For A Nation State1574 Words   |  7 PagesGlobalization is a phenomenon that is crucial and fundamental to the development of our world which also has an increasingly amount of influence that played an important role in the flow of migration and immigration of individuals seeking for better opportunities. 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